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“The only thing standing between you and your dreams is ... reluctance.” ― Carroll Bryant

It's Saturday, finally. Next week I'm going to school afternoon which is kind off okay; I'm gonna sleep longer but at least, when I'm in the morning I have more free time. Whatever, lemme talk about my fucked up dreams. Whenever I fall asleep, I can't stay still on one place, I end up either on the floor or idk and I can't hear anything (the bomb can drop and I wouldn't hear it but somehow my alarm for school is very effective).

Yeah, it's nothing about that quote but I just wanted to write something and besides he is (and Charles Bukowski) my favourite, I just like their quotes. Okay, back to dreams.

I had often nightmares with zombies (I hadn't had them long time now) but I got really used to them I wouldn't call it nightmare anymore, I learned how to defense myself and how to kill them. Watching too much horror movies, maybe I'll go watch one now. Since I draw, when I get drawing pad, I'll try to make comic about my zombie dreams but combine them (I hope I won't forget some of them). The "best" one was like:

I was in my apartment (okay I didn't knew I lived alone but in dream I did?) and I already somehow knew about zombies outside. I got out and tried to find my friend (she was in wealthy family but in real life, she's broke af just like me lmao) and zombies weren't... zombies. They were actually humans but they can turn into zombie somehow and back to human and it's really hard to say is that man zombie or not. So I somehow found one guy and he and his dad for I don't know what reason chased me (like I did something). I started climbing on staircase and his dad grabbed me by my foot and he turned into a zombie. I kicked him but eventually, he turned back to human and they catched me and locked me in I think boy's room. Later, that boy (he look like somewhere my age) and I think that he said that only his dad is zombie, but refused to say why did they chased me. Later, when he went out, I went on balcony and like motherfucking Assassin jumped from it and into garbage. It was really awesome despites that I wouldn't do it in real life. They found out and they started chasing me again but I escaped and suddenly, I'm standing in front of big mansion. I went inside and I saw a lot of people, dressed elegant. Somehow I recognized this as my friend's mansion and started looking for her. When I found her, I can't remember but I think that we we're hugging each other or whatever, but her cousin/grandma (idk?) suspected something about me and she didn't liked me at all. Then that boy again came and so calmly walked in and took me away. He bended me over his shoulders. I was yelling for help of my friend but she was helpless, her cousin was in charge and she said something about me again that I did something and he needed to took me away and I just remember that last scene just like from the movie: how's he taking e away and her hopeless look.

That's where I woke up.

That's even normal dream, I had even more fucked up ones, even couple of times same dreams (when I dreamt it as a kid and now).

The most stupidest one was when I died somehow but I didn't knew I died so ended up in front of beautiful purple castle on clouds. It was some Barbie shit right there and I wasn't high I swear. When I entered, one old man greeted me and he gave me a tour around castle; there were even pegazes omgy, and I really liked that castle. After some time, I had feeling that I've been there for couple of days and I wanted to go home and man just said that I can't, I'm here forever.

I got really mad and I was running and got up on one pegazus and flied away, right in front of my house where I woke up. Damn and I wanted to show everyone my new weird horse.

Anyway, that's it, idk what to write. It was boring day after all, I need to study math tomorrow ffs.


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